Kellie Dalton, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Posted on June 27, 2023 by planirl
Kellie Dalton is a promoter of all that is green. A self-confessed corporate responsibility and sustainability geek, Kellie works in many ways to highlight environmental and social issues in business; as a marketing executive with Business in the Community(Corporate Responsibility advisory service), as co-founder of Re-dress: ethical fashion initiative and as a PhD researcher at DCU Business School. With a voracious appetite for information, she hopes that her work will go some way toward helping the ethical fashion movement grow.
Because I am a Girl I ask…myself all the big questions every Sunday.
Because I am a Girl I believe…in the good in people and their capacity for change.
Because I am a Girl I hope…to always be the best that I can be at whatever I set my mind to.
Because I am a Girl I wonder…what kind of a world we’ll leave behind for future generations of children.
Because I am a Girl I dream…of a time when we will always look after each other in whatever way we can.
Because I am a Girl I remember…to appreciate the freedom and opportunities I have as a woman and my access to education.
Because I am a Girl I like…fashion, music, art, film, photography, literature and a good round of witty banter.
Because I am a Girl I dislike…intolerance.
Because I am a Girl I feel…inspired by conviction and the individuality of my friends.
Because I am a Girl I. . .am fiercely passionate about playing some small part in making the world we live in a better place.
- Kellie Dalton
love this. I am a firm believer you can be into all things girly and fashionable etc etc and still be a sustainability geek. I am a self confesse sustainability geek although you will not see me hugging a tree anytime soon you will never see me leave the house without my lippy!!