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Sarah Harte, Media and Communications Officer Posted on July 9, 2023 by planirl

Sarah Harte, Media and Communications Officer

Sarah Harte is Media & Communications Officer with Plan Ireland. Sarah went to DCU to study International Business & Languages (German and French) and spent her Erasmus year in northern Germany. In 2005, Sarah took up a marketing position in Tourism Ireland’s Brussels office, a highlight (!) being an appearance on the Belgian equivalent of MTV for St Patrick’s Day and demonstrating her Irish dancing skills (or lack thereof).

On returning to Dublin she joined Business in the Community Ireland, where she worked for over three years in a marketing role, getting to meet lots of wonderful people involved in corporate social responsibility, social inclusion and philanthropy (and Marian Finucane once made her a cup of tea!).

Sarah enjoys travelling, foreign languages, dancing, learning about photography, mexican food, going to the theatre, 90s r&b and rap, cinema, vintage fashion, reading novels and most recently has become addicted to Scandinavian crime drama TV series.  She is on the Twitter.

Because I am a Girl I ask…to be treated as an equal.  To be independent. To have a voice. To be shown empathy. To be understood. To love and be loved. (Is that a lot to ask for..?!)

Because I am a Girl I believe…that life is beautiful but short. I think that I can sometimes forget this, but every now and then, I remember and feel thankful for all that I have and remind myself that this is not a dress rehearsal!

Because I am a Girl I hope…for the best. I hope that things will get better for those who are suffering and in pain. I hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel for all of those who are fighting disease, struggling against oppression and abuse and for all of those who are going through their own personal battles, whatever they may be. I hope and hope, and know that this is all we really have.

Because I am a Girl I wonder…what life has in store for me. What will I be when I grow up? (I realise that I am 27 years old and “technically” a grown up, but still!) Where will I be in five years, ten years, twenty years? I wonder, and then I stop myself and try to live in the moment and take each day as it comes. It’s tough, though! And the Virgo in me just wants to plan, plan, PLAN!           

Because I am a Girl I dream…of a brighter future for young girls across the world. I dream of a world where abuse such as female genital cutting, early and forced marriage and all forms of violence against girls and women, does not exist. Violence against women has been called “the most pervasive yet least recognised human rights abuse in the world.” I am so proud to work for an organisation like Plan Ireland who, through the Because I am a Girl campaign, are raising awareness of these important issues and making a real and lasting difference to the lives of girls in the developing world. Violence against girls and women must come to an end.  

Because I am a Girl I remember…growing up surrounded by strong women, my mother, my sisters, my nana, granny, aunties, friends. They helped to shape the person that I am today and have given me strength, courage of conviction and the drive to do my very best. I want to make them proud.

Because I am a Girl I like…family, friends and community. I know they say you can’t choose your family, and although we have our moments (who doesn’t?!), I wouldn’t change mine for the world. It is because of their love and support that I am the person I am today. I don’t take that for granted and I hope I never take them for granted either. Same goes for my second family, my close friends. I honestly can say that I don’t know where I’d be without them to keep my head from falling off sometimes.  

Because I am a Girl I dislike…prejudice, ignorance, intolerance, inequality and injustice. Unfortunately, there’s a helluvalot of each of these things in the world. That’s why I think that it’s so important to try to do something, maybe just one small thing, to change things. I truly believe in Martin Luther King Jr’s quote, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”. Even if sometimes you think “what’s the point?” and feel powerless, everyone of us can make a difference no matter how small. Our time starts…now!

Because I am a Girl I feel…a responsibility to realise my potential and enjoy the rights and freedom I am so grateful to have. I know I have this thanks to many amazing women who fought tooth and nail for it and paved the way before me.

Because I am a Girl I celebrate…the small things. There is something in every day that can make it special, no matter how trivial it may seem. I never see the point in keeping something “for a special occasion”, that day may never come, so take out the good china, put on your party dress and crack open the bubbles today!

- Sarah Harte

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to you to be a girl

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I have a much higher chance of making headline news - as a victim of rape, assault or murder. But because I am a girl I have the innate strength to carry on challenging the threats to my freedom.

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I rise to the challenge, and do the unexpected. I raise my voice so that I can always be heard. I push myself even when the little voices in my head are saying, sure you dont belong here, who do you think you are. I struggle on and dont alllow society to to label or box me because of the sex I am, the colour of my skin, my sexuality, my spiritual beliefs. I am, and I will.

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