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Kathryn Ryan, Dublin City Business Improvement District Posted on February 4, 2024 by planirl

Kathryn Ryan, Dublin City Business Improvement District

Kathryn Ryan works for Dublin City BID as Membership and Communications Manager. Kathryn has been instrumental in developing the Dublintown.ie website, the Creative Quarter area brand and also organises the Dublin Fashion Festival on an annual basis. Although born and raised in Cork, she is extremely passionate about all things Dublin and refers to it as her “home away from home”.

Kathryn holds a degree in Multimedia and Post Grad Diploma in Event Management and PR. Having lived and worked in Sydney, she has worked in the events industry for some time with projects such as Mardi Gras and continues this passion in her role with Dublin City BID. Other events Kathryn works on  include Dine in Dublin, 50 Dates in Dublin, Unique to Dublin and Dublin at Christmas.

Because I am a Girl I ask…all women everywhere to stick together and stand up for each other - “Sisters before Misters” gals!

Because I am a Girl I believe…in gender equality. In this day and age I strongly feel that women should have the confidence to stand shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts.

Because I am a Girl I hope…that someday I will inspire other girls.

Because I am a Girl I wonder…what amazing achievements are ahead for the female race. 2012 was a great year for women. Katie Taylor has inspired a nation, at a time when Ireland is struggling. Maybe a woman will lead the way for our country out of these economically troubling times.

Because I am a Girl I dream…of comfortable high heels!

Because I am a Girl I remember…all the advice given to me and try to live by it.

Because I am a Girl I like…to be girly. I don’t believe I need to act tough to get ahead.

Because I am a Girl I dislike…bitchiness. There’s no need to be nasty. Kill them with kindness is what I always say.

Because I am a Girl I feel…privileged for the opportunities I have been given. Grab everything with both hands cos it won’t come around twice!

Because I am a Girl I celebrate…creativity! I don’t believe in one uniform way to get things done. I’m a firm believer in having fun along the way!

- Kathryn Ryan

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to you to be a girl

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I have a much higher chance of making headline news - as a victim of rape, assault or murder. But because I am a girl I have the innate strength to carry on challenging the threats to my freedom.

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I rise to the challenge, and do the unexpected. I raise my voice so that I can always be heard. I push myself even when the little voices in my head are saying, sure you dont belong here, who do you think you are. I struggle on and dont alllow society to to label or box me because of the sex I am, the colour of my skin, my sexuality, my spiritual beliefs. I am, and I will.

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