Ifrah Ahmed, campaigner Posted on June 25, 2023 by planirl

Ifrah Ahmed is originally from Somalia in East Africa and has been living in Ireland for the past six years. Ifrah is a social and community worker and has worked on many different projects involving organisations such as Unicef, Amnesty International, Irish Refugee Council, Cairde, The Africa Centre, Spirasi, Somali Community in Ireland, Integration of African Children in Ireland and AkiDwA and others.
Ifrah is very interested in health issues and in particular women’s health needs. She sits on the Steering Committee for Ireland’s National Plan of Action to Address FGM. Ifrah became involved in this work because of her commitment to help others and to contribute to change of global perception of FGM issue.
In 2010 Ifrah set up a non profit organisation United Youth of Ireland that aims to support young people from migrant communities in their artistic, creative and business endeavours. She has been involved in organising events such as the International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM, Multicultural & Diversity workshops, fundraiser, seminars and more. Ifrah has also featured in Hot Press, RTE, Newstalk, Dublin’s Q102, Irish Times, Irish Examiner, The Sun, Metro Eireann and African Voice.
Because I am a Girl I ask…when will world leaders stop fighting over trifles and their own pride and start helping those that need their help. When will world leaders understand that they have power and means to help millions of people in Africa and Asia?
Because I am a Girl I believe…in equality. That all people are equal before God. That we all deserve to live and to prosper.
Because I am a Girl I hope…to see the day when all wars are over and we all live in Peace. I hope to see a world where neighbours live in peace without killing each other. Where families are not separated by wars.
Because I am a Girl I wonder…why in many places of the world do only men have real power. Why is this power so often abused especially against women and children.
Because I am a Girl I dream…of an end to violence against women. Being mothers, sisters, daughters or even wives, Somali women are violated in many ways. Their sons, husbands, brothers, fathers and uncles are being killed. Women are raped, others face different kinds of violence. No woman has to be a victim of physical abuse. I Dream of a Better World.
Because I am a Girl I remember…the pain and sadness I felt when I saw a pregnant woman killed by a bomb. I also remember the suffering I felt watching my people killing each other.
Because I am a Girl I like…to see the empowerment of women. I would like to see women prosper and have equal rights. Not only in a few countries but across the world.
Because I am a Girl I dislike…men who make women cry. Also men who make women feel like they are nothing, lesser human beings…or not human being at all.
Because I am a Girl I feel…compassion to all those that suffer from all sorts of ill doings.
Because I am a Girl I celebrate…that I am Alive and I have Allah that watches over me. I also celebrate freedom of speech that allows me to raise awareness of humiliating practices that are not known to many people.
- Ifrah Ahmed
Very hard working girl!, continue with the good work.
I feel EXACTLY the same as you Ifrah on EVERY one of those topics you shared on. Mary Redden
Hi Ifrah, Just saw the programme on RTE, What a wonderful Irish woman you are. You are an example to us all. I would be delighted to meet up and see if I could be able to help some of your people in Somalia.