Female Enhancement and Libido in Ireland
Libido is a topic that isn’t often discussed in Ireland. However, it is a very common problem, especially among women. Women may feel completely turned off sex, which can cause stress on both sides of a relationship. Although the man or woman in the relationship may feel to blame for a woman’s low sex drive, the reasons for the sudden change can be many different things.
A major change in hormones, as a result of pregnancy, fluctuation in periods, or the menopause can be a factor in low libido. If your hormones have been on a roller coaster ride, that’s probably where the issue started. Other possible causes can be recent surgery, a change in medication, or sudden illness, as well as psychological factors like stress or depression.
If one of these or other factors are affecting your libido, talk to your doctor, who can recommend the best course to take in your situation. It may just be a matter of patience and time, especially if you have recently given birth or are still breast feeding.
Testing the levels of testosterone is a good move to take if the woman is in good health physically and mentally.Testosterone is something that is present in both men and women, and is an important part of a woman’s sex drive. If necessary - always consult with your doctor - you may find that taking a small dose of testosterone really works for you.
Fortunately, sexual enhancement treatment is becoming more available to women. Natural dietary supplements, which enhance libido, can be bought in liquid or pill form. These can can be found online or in pharmacies. We always recommend that you consult your doctor if you are experiencing these problems before taking any action, but don’t feel embarrassed or shy about your sex drive. This is the first step towards taking control of your own body!